Wednesday 12 October 2011


Yesterday, I completed my figure of eight cycle ride around the Hebridian Isle of Mull.  I started at the tiny village of Salen on the east coast.  The derelict pier is now home to shags who use the tops of the posts to rest while digesting their latest meal of fish.  Every post is used and as soon as one is vacant, another shag immediately takes its place.

 The weather forecast for the southern section I was about to do was much better than the one for the north that I completed last week.  Sun and a west wind of 15mph was predicted.  I pedalled off to Craignure, 10 miles to the south which is Mull's main ferry terminal from the mainland.  Two squalls hit me reminding me that October can be wild here but they were gentle compared with those last week.  I stocked up at Craignure with food and drink as it would 40 miles before I see another shop or pub.

The tiny road west passed two castles and alongside a sea lochs.  It then headed inland into Glen More gently climbing as hills were encountered.  This was remote moorland with no habitation and very picturesque.
 Ben More, Mull's only munro, appeared to my right and I looked out for golden eagles.  The road continued to climb but the eagles were elsewhere. 

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